
Stuffed [v.; stuhfd]: to cram oneself with food; eat gluttonously; gorge.

Thanksgiving might possibly be my favorite holiday.  Other than food preparation, all you are expected to do is show up and eat and doze off as the tryptophan from the turkey kicks in.  I, like most of my peers, have lost the evasive gene that somehow our grandmothers and mothers received that allows them to create perfect masterpieces with ease. Until now....

My gene showed up on Wednesday! Who knew?  I think everyone balked at the fact that I was planning to bring part of the dessert (a quintessential component of the perfect Thanksgiving meal), especially considering that last year when I declared I wanted to help I was given the task of buttering the rolls and arranging an assortment of pickles....I know, sounds difficult right? Well this Thanksgiving I tried my hand at making Pecan Toffee, a recipe that requires a candy thermometer and includes words like "careful not to scorch" and "drizzle chocolate generously." Sounds delish right?  And might I say, it was quite tasty.  

I left the pictures of the final product at home, but I promise to post once I retrieve them.  Thursday I took my finished product to my Grandmothers for the ultimate test...and I came home empty handed!  They actually were a hit and my little creations even received praise from my cousin Ash who is THE dessert chef and very few can bake anything that will compare with her. If you need a cake, let her know.  She's fantastic!  Luckily after lunch we had 3 little alarms to keep us from dozing off.  We played football and danced and laughed and played.  To sum up, Thanksgiving was a hit!...and so was my pecan toffee :-)  I hereby dub my baking personality to be called Gene!

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