

If you thought this post was going to be about my new found love of exercising, you were.....wrong (she says dejectedly as she ponders over whether the last NuttyButty has been eaten).

No. Instead this is going to be a congratulations letter to the E! network.

Dear E!,

Congratulations!  You have successfully created a show that personally knocks my professional welfare.  Not only is "SPINdustry" a miserable representation of my profession as a whole, but I'm personally offended that you've chosen a main character who constantly looks confused & possibly lethargic regardless of his current emotion, and I've only seen the preview.  Not ok, E!. 

Also, who gave you permission to be excited all the time anyway? The ! after your name makes it quite difficult to pronounce without excitement. 

Back to the point. I don't know what is more depressing.  The fact that you have produced such a horrific show, or that I will most likely become hooked on the series. It is, afterall, a Kardashian "spin" off.  (to those reading my blog -- thank you for being my friend despite your better instincts)



P.S. I love your friend Chelsea Lately.


  1. A friendly reader :)October 21, 2010 at 9:07 AM

    We need a new blog post!

  2. Sorry for the delay! New post now. Thanks for reading!
