
Smile [v.; smahyl]

Definition: what this little guy does to melt your heart!

This is hilarious! Start watching at the :30 second mark.  It is absolutely guaranteed[never fails, always have to Google the spelling] to brighten your day!


Random [adj.; ran-duhm]: the only title I could think of for this post

As promised, I will continue the Funday Monday tradition [even though my extremely shy little friend, the sun, has made an appearance today for longer than 2.5 seconds].  I posted an entry in December about Trey & Sarah Novara's wedding day.  She has posted several lovely photos on Facebook that are just enchanting.  However, this lovely little pic featured below is enchanting in a different sort of way. 

I love how I look surprised/scared/upset/Imgoingtopushyoudown/whyareyouinmyspace/happy(?)/excited to see Thomas appear on my left shoulder. Many people in the picture seem to think this is hilarious, some seem oblivious and one particular groomsman in the background (ahem...Pearson) looks utterly appalled at what is happening. Just as a side note, I forget how short I really am until I see myself in comparison to people of normal human height.  To find something more closely resembling my size, please reference an elementary school or a small chimpanzee. 

On another note, is it possible to lust after a camera?  Because I most definitely am. Not in a figurative way, like I want to be on camera or something like that, but in a very literal way in that I want an awesome camera that takes gorgeous pictures for me.  I've always loved the art of photography and although I have absolutely zero talent in this area, I somehow feel I can make up for my lack of skill with heavy duty, look how professional I am, equipment. (I do the same thing with golf :-)  The funny part is, I'm not even lusting after a particular camera.  I'm really lusting after the ability to take good pictures but we will gloss over that for now and say that it is about a camera and not about the photographer. On that note, any suggestions on a excellent good enough affordable digital SLR camera? I need help here people.

Look for a post about Em's bachelorette party coming up soon! And by the way, I found an apartment! Which is good since I live with the bride from the aforementioned bachelorette party.

Happy Funday Monday!


Happy [adj.; hap-ee]: an emotion commonly felt when around family and friends

Today is my Dad's birthday! We actually celebrated his birthday on Friday because we knew we wouldn't all be together today, but still, Happy Bday Dad!  My Dad is the hardest working person I know and somehow he still manages to remain cool, calm and collected.  I have seen very few things really rattle my Dad.  I'm talking about once maybe twice. He, like my Mom, is extremely wise and I feel I could not be luckier to have these two people helping me walk through life.  We can't wait to spend your birthday at the concert!  Happy Birthday Dad! We love you so much!

For the second order of business...I am angry with Monday.  Despite my best effort to like you, you insist on being gray and gloomy week after week.  Until you return to the sunny version I once knew, we are at a standoff.  Mondays are generally no problem for me, but when I look outside and can't tell the difference between 5:30 a.m. and Noon, it becomes difficult.  All will be forgiven if you show up for work next week.  In the mean time, Mondays are now to be called "Funday Monday."  With this new tradition, I will post a fun/funny memory that will serve to perk up the sunless day.   

This week's Funday Monday comes from senior year of college.  I was reminded of this memory on my drive back yesterday when I heard the song "She's Like the Wind" by the one and only Patrick Swayze. My entire life I have marveled at the movie that made this song popular (if you do not know what I am talking about, please do not ask me....I will not dignify the question with a response.  Please rather look it up on Google...it will not judge you), and dreamed of being able to re-enact the final seen where I too would have "The Time of My Life."  

I was presented with this unique (could be interpreted as embarrassing) opportunity when Bo won the vote to be my sorority's representative for "Big Man on Campus," a fundraiser that was basically a male pageant...complete with talent showcase.  You see where this is going.  

For months weeks we trained.  And finally we were able to deliver a performance worthy of praise from Baby and Johnny themselves (please try not to notice the melodrama here).  Our choreography came complete with turns, good posture, a dancing ensemble, the infamous line "Nobody puts Baby in a corner," and, of course, the lift.  Make no mistake, I was not the one lifted, but instead our Johnny look-alike was hoisted above the crowd by a group of sorority girls to give the routine a twist of humor (as if it needed it) and to save me a trip to the hospital.  All in all, it was a win-win...literally.  As our representative, Bo won the talent award and the first-runner up prize (he so should have won, but I'm not bitter...anymore).  And I suppose I got to check that one off the bucket list...Dancing with the Stars, here I come! (Anyone see the premier?)

**Disclaimer...I thought I had a picture the whole time I was writing this post, but I promise by next Monday I will have one.  So in it's place....a funny picture instead:



Drive [n.; drahyv]: The thing I did every day last year that made me an angry driver

The weekend is officially over and have no fear, I will give a proper update tomorrow, but for now, I would like to be a bit reminiscent.  I was driving back from visiting my parents this weekend and trying to distract myself from thinking about the annoying itch on the bottom of my foot that I couldn't possibly reach, when I started to think about the drive that I made every day last year while commuting to graduate school.  My drive was made tolerable by a commuter buddy that also happened to be one of my very best friends and now roommate, Emily.  

The thoughts that came flooding back were nothing less than hilarious and I felt compelled to include some of those memories here.  The drive back and forth totaled 3 hours.  We did this drive, in which we came to know every single billboard and road sign along the way, 5 days a week for 12 solid months.  Because Em and I are both rabidly in favor of the opposing school (ironically where we received our undergraduate degrees) we were not familiar with this drive.  

We came to know a number of interesting street names, such as Pocahontas Dr., Rock Mt. Lakes (a street in which we could only assume is named for three natural creations surrounding it) and my personal favorite  Chigger Ridge Rd.  We also found that we quickly became angry drivers because of our experience on what I most certain is THE most frustrating road in the continental US...McFarland Blvd.  On this road we found drivers who stubbornly and consistently would drive 20 mph under the speed limit and those who lived by the motto "what laws?" On this road, we found the slowest Chick-Fil-A ever established, regardless of whether there was a line or not.  We also found that Wendy's pours smoldering hot lava cheese on top of their potatoes, and that if you drop it on your lap, it will burn you (thank you Jiffylube on 15th...we are pretty sure you employ the nicest people in Tuscaloosa).

We also discovered on this little trip of ours that if you stay up all night finishing a project that turns out to be 35 pages long (when you thought it  would only be 20), you will need to belt out Nelly's compilation of rap songs at the top of your lungs in order to stay awake.  A little tip for people attempting to make this drive, if you plan to go the back way, be careful of the rural towns right outside of campus...people will walk out into the street in front of you with no warning.  

I believe one of the most vivid memories I have regarding our trip came on a night we were both beyond weary from working on a group project the week before Christmas break.  We as a group consisted of 5 meticulous over-achievers, so doing this project proved to try our patience time after time.  On our way home (at midnight) after finally finishing the never-ending project, Emily asked me a question...

"Do you hear something funny?"I listened, and concluded that I heard a small thumping noise on my side of the car.  Before I could answer her, a loud explosion followed by an awful burning smell answered for me.  Our tire was shredded.  In fact, there really was no tire left.   Stuck 30 minutes away from home, we sat for a few minutes unsure of whether to cry or laugh hysterically at our luck.  I believe we settled on a mixture of the two.  Her sweet mom and dad came to our rescue.  Because we still had unending stack of assignments due before the relief of Christmas break, Em's mom drove us home while her dad waited for the tow truck.  I now have an appreciation for those who are trying to change a tire on the side of the interstate, for how dark it can be, for how fast 70+ mph is and for family who is willing to rescue you. 

All in all, this drive wasn't so bad.  Em and I enjoyed our time immersed in conversation over intelligent topics and over funny discoveries like her fascination that I know (and like) the song "Smoky Mountain Rain" by Ronnie Milsap.  If I'd had to make that drive everyday alone, I might have gone crazy. But because of you, I enjoyed it, even though we spent a great deal of our time looking at this...

For tomorrow - Dad's Birthday and the Dancing with the Stars premier!!


Green [adj.; green]: the reason I didn't get pinched today :-)

In honor of St. Patrick's Day (and because I'm obviously out having a great time, partying it up on this little Irish holiday and blogging from some awesome bar and absolutely not in my pjs on my couch...right), I'm dedicating this entry to things of which I am green with envy.  

1) People who are on vacation right now celebrating spring break...seriously stop updating your Facebook status with things like "Can't believe how bright the sun is!" or my personal favorite "So excited about my tan!"  My pale white self does not appreciate comments like these, k?  Especially when the sun and I are basically estranged right now. Thanks.

2) People who live ANYWHERE in the world that has seen the sun in the past 4 days.  I'm a smiley perky person most of the time, but when it looks gloomy outside, it definitely steals the skip from my step.  Anyone else having the same problem?  COME BACK SUN!!  I promise to love you just as much when you come back, even more so! I promise to forget that you ever left. Everyone ready for the ultimate pun? This is the story of the Prodigal Sun (ba dum, chh). (oh and it rhymes! Extra nerdy sad pathetic awesome!)

Come back!

3) Two Words. Tina Turner. Or for that matter anyone who can belt out the big notes in a song with that much soul.  This kind of envy is what leads to this kind of embarrassment, see evidence below.  I secretly blatantly without remorse would give anything to be a diva on a regular basis (not the bad kind of diva that stomps around and sulks all the time...shout out to you, Janice Dickinson...but the good kind like Jennifer Hudson and Celine Dion. Oh to be you, Tina...

I see no difference here.

4) Jennifer Aniston's hair and skin...or actually all of her (except for the fact that she smokes). Enough said.

No. Fair.

5) Those who have the kind of giving personality that doesn't require the satisfaction of seeing the results of a good deed.  I have for a long time wanted to be that type of person.  I have every intention of trying to participate in one random act of kindness per day, even if it's really small.  I just think it's good for you to consciously do something for others, even if it is extremely tiny like letting someone over in traffic.  I'll let you know how it goes.

6) Finally, people who are naturally good at decorating and interior design. You people who harbor this amazing talent (yeah I'm looking at you Caylen-Riley-Gilm-MOM) are going to have to help me make my space look like this...

Of course these are just a few things I envy out there in the great big world.  The six here are just the things that made the proverbial "short list," as they say.  After all this ranting, I must say that I am pretty content with what God gave me honestly.  I can wish all I want to for the things that I lack but I recognize that I should count my blessings three times over for the things I have (and don't deserve). 

So far so good....3 posts in two days....I'm already doing better than January and February....combined.


Indulgence [n.; in-duhl-juhns]: cramming as many cupcakes down my throat as I could

At work last week we discovered Dream Cakes in Edgewood where we found these...

Needless to say, I ate quite a few and the end result made me feel like this...

All on the brink of swimsuit season, which then makes me want to do this:

Recap [v.; ree-kap]: my poor attempt to make up for not posting.

So I know what an absolute failure I have been at this entire "blogging all the time" thing and I am fully aware that it has turned into a "blog once a month" thing.  I must admit that I didn't feel very inspired to write anything until I read several friends' blogs and realized that if they have time to write I can at least attempt to do the same....and thanks to a few sweet friends who encouraged me to continue to post, I am going to try to be better at this.  So the last time I posted was about mine and Lauren's trip to visit Riley in NYC and quite a bit has happened since then.  Here are a few pictures to catch me up to where I am today.

Item #1: My lifelong friend Erin got engaged to her longtime boyfriend Neal.  Ern, I love that ALL of my childhood, miserably awkward middle school, high school, college and post-college memories have you in them.  I love how we can go without seeing each other for months and then chat like we never missed a beat.  Can't wait for November!

Item #2: Bo, Amy (Bo's sister), Jeff (Amy's bf) and I went to see Brad Paisley = Awesome.  I'm always thankful for time spent with them, first because of Bo's school and second because Amy still lives in AU, we don't get to hang out all that much.

Item #3: Alabama had an identity crisis, but I didn't complain because I had an excuse to wear my snow boots I bought for NYC!

Item #4: Mom had a Birthday!!!!  I LOVE my Mom so much and constantly stand in awe of all of things she is able to accomplish.  I know it is expected that Mom's are much wiser than their children but sometimes it truly amazes me at how much more she knows about life than I do. Thanks for letting us celebrate with you, Mom!  We love you so much! Happy Birthday!

Item #4.b: We celebrated Mom's birthday with a trip to see George and Reba in Atlanta!  And if you do not know who I am talking about simply by the mention of their first names, then you need to do a little soul searching.  Every girl needs to know who "Fancy" was and why that was her name.  Every girl must also know what a man should look like in a pair of Wranglers :-)

Item #5:  Bo and I ventured out and went to the much anticipated Barrister's Ball, more commonly referred to as "Law Prom."  I was so in awe of enjoying my favorite past time, people watching, that Bo stopped mid-dance and asked me if I realized I wasn't even moving my feet.  It's just such a fun culmination of people.  Grad school of any type is that way, but I really enjoyed getting to meet several of the people who see Bo a lot more than I do.  Thanks for asking me to be your date!

Item #6: Have I mentioned that I am head over heels in love with my job? And not just my job, but the people I work with too?  We have such a good time doing what we love to do and I think that is such a rare thing these days.  I consider myself so blessed to have the opportunity to work where I do and I thank my lucky stars there was an opening when I graduated.  I'm also thankful that during a normal day at work, I get to meet the awesome lady in the middle and that I get to work with the ray of sunshine standing on the right:

Hey, hey Paula!

Item #7: My Mom and I had the pleasure of keeping this little wild woman on Saturday.  She is hilarious and continually amazes me every time I spend time with her.  The fact that she uses perfect English when she's only 4 years old just baffles me, or the fact that she can count to 10 in Spanish when I even struggle with that amazes me. I don't know what I will do if she does have to move to Bowling Green :-( (you two Ash and Aunt Pam). I Love Ya'll!

Isn't she gorgeous?