
Green [adj.; green]: the reason I didn't get pinched today :-)

In honor of St. Patrick's Day (and because I'm obviously out having a great time, partying it up on this little Irish holiday and blogging from some awesome bar and absolutely not in my pjs on my couch...right), I'm dedicating this entry to things of which I am green with envy.  

1) People who are on vacation right now celebrating spring break...seriously stop updating your Facebook status with things like "Can't believe how bright the sun is!" or my personal favorite "So excited about my tan!"  My pale white self does not appreciate comments like these, k?  Especially when the sun and I are basically estranged right now. Thanks.

2) People who live ANYWHERE in the world that has seen the sun in the past 4 days.  I'm a smiley perky person most of the time, but when it looks gloomy outside, it definitely steals the skip from my step.  Anyone else having the same problem?  COME BACK SUN!!  I promise to love you just as much when you come back, even more so! I promise to forget that you ever left. Everyone ready for the ultimate pun? This is the story of the Prodigal Sun (ba dum, chh). (oh and it rhymes! Extra nerdy sad pathetic awesome!)

Come back!

3) Two Words. Tina Turner. Or for that matter anyone who can belt out the big notes in a song with that much soul.  This kind of envy is what leads to this kind of embarrassment, see evidence below.  I secretly blatantly without remorse would give anything to be a diva on a regular basis (not the bad kind of diva that stomps around and sulks all the time...shout out to you, Janice Dickinson...but the good kind like Jennifer Hudson and Celine Dion. Oh to be you, Tina...

I see no difference here.

4) Jennifer Aniston's hair and skin...or actually all of her (except for the fact that she smokes). Enough said.

No. Fair.

5) Those who have the kind of giving personality that doesn't require the satisfaction of seeing the results of a good deed.  I have for a long time wanted to be that type of person.  I have every intention of trying to participate in one random act of kindness per day, even if it's really small.  I just think it's good for you to consciously do something for others, even if it is extremely tiny like letting someone over in traffic.  I'll let you know how it goes.

6) Finally, people who are naturally good at decorating and interior design. You people who harbor this amazing talent (yeah I'm looking at you Caylen-Riley-Gilm-MOM) are going to have to help me make my space look like this...

Of course these are just a few things I envy out there in the great big world.  The six here are just the things that made the proverbial "short list," as they say.  After all this ranting, I must say that I am pretty content with what God gave me honestly.  I can wish all I want to for the things that I lack but I recognize that I should count my blessings three times over for the things I have (and don't deserve). 

So far so good....3 posts in two days....I'm already doing better than January and February....combined.


  1. i am seriously loving this blogging frequency.


  2. Way to go Diva Tina. Rollin', Rollin', Rollin' on the River Hoo Hoo Hoo Hoo Hoo Hoo Hoo. Dunna Da. Dunna Da Dunna Da.

  3. Hahaha Thank you Caylen and thank you Paula Deen.

  4. I'm so sorry, I meant Paul Deen, not Paula.
