The weekend is officially over and have no fear, I will give a proper update tomorrow, but for now, I would like to be a bit reminiscent. I was driving back from visiting my parents this weekend and trying to distract myself from thinking about the annoying itch on the bottom of my foot that I couldn't possibly reach, when I started to think about the drive that I made every day last year while commuting to graduate school. My drive was made tolerable by a commuter buddy that also happened to be one of my very best friends and now roommate, Emily.
The thoughts that came flooding back were nothing less than hilarious and I felt compelled to include some of those memories here. The drive back and forth totaled 3 hours. We did this drive, in which we came to know every single billboard and road sign along the way, 5 days a week for 12 solid months. Because Em and I are both rabidly in favor of the opposing school (ironically where we received our undergraduate degrees) we were not familiar with this drive.
We came to know a number of interesting street names, such as Pocahontas Dr., Rock Mt. Lakes (a street in which we could only assume is named for three natural creations surrounding it) and my personal favorite Chigger Ridge Rd. We also found that we quickly became angry drivers because of our experience on what I most certain is THE most frustrating road in the continental US...McFarland Blvd. On this road we found drivers who stubbornly and consistently would drive 20 mph under the speed limit and those who lived by the motto "what laws?" On this road, we found the slowest Chick-Fil-A ever established, regardless of whether there was a line or not. We also found that Wendy's pours smoldering hot lava cheese on top of their potatoes, and that if you drop it on your lap, it will burn you (thank you Jiffylube on 15th...we are pretty sure you employ the nicest people in Tuscaloosa).
We also discovered on this little trip of ours that if you stay up all night finishing a project that turns out to be 35 pages long (when you thought it would only be 20), you will need to belt out Nelly's compilation of rap songs at the top of your lungs in order to stay awake. A little tip for people attempting to make this drive, if you plan to go the back way, be careful of the rural towns right outside of campus...people will walk out into the street in front of you with no warning.
I believe one of the most vivid memories I have regarding our trip came on a night we were both beyond weary from working on a group project the week before Christmas break. We as a group consisted of 5 meticulous over-achievers, so doing this project proved to try our patience time after time. On our way home (at midnight) after finally finishing the never-ending project, Emily asked me a question...
"Do you hear something funny?"I listened, and concluded that I heard a small thumping noise on my side of the car. Before I could answer her, a loud explosion followed by an awful burning smell answered for me. Our tire was shredded. In fact, there really was no tire left. Stuck 30 minutes away from home, we sat for a few minutes unsure of whether to cry or laugh hysterically at our luck. I believe we settled on a mixture of the two. Her sweet mom and dad came to our rescue. Because we still had unending stack of assignments due before the relief of Christmas break, Em's mom drove us home while her dad waited for the tow truck. I now have an appreciation for those who are trying to change a tire on the side of the interstate, for how dark it can be, for how fast 70+ mph is and for family who is willing to rescue you.
All in all, this drive wasn't so bad. Em and I enjoyed our time immersed in conversation over intelligent topics and over funny discoveries like her fascination that I know (and like) the song "Smoky Mountain Rain" by Ronnie Milsap. If I'd had to make that drive everyday alone, I might have gone crazy. But because of you, I enjoyed it, even though we spent a great deal of our time looking at this...
For tomorrow - Dad's Birthday and the Dancing with the Stars premier!!
haha love it!! One of my top T-town favorite moments was when I spilled feta ALL OVER brandts carpet. Whoops.