
Recap [v.; ree-kap]: my poor attempt to make up for not posting.

So I know what an absolute failure I have been at this entire "blogging all the time" thing and I am fully aware that it has turned into a "blog once a month" thing.  I must admit that I didn't feel very inspired to write anything until I read several friends' blogs and realized that if they have time to write I can at least attempt to do the same....and thanks to a few sweet friends who encouraged me to continue to post, I am going to try to be better at this.  So the last time I posted was about mine and Lauren's trip to visit Riley in NYC and quite a bit has happened since then.  Here are a few pictures to catch me up to where I am today.

Item #1: My lifelong friend Erin got engaged to her longtime boyfriend Neal.  Ern, I love that ALL of my childhood, miserably awkward middle school, high school, college and post-college memories have you in them.  I love how we can go without seeing each other for months and then chat like we never missed a beat.  Can't wait for November!

Item #2: Bo, Amy (Bo's sister), Jeff (Amy's bf) and I went to see Brad Paisley = Awesome.  I'm always thankful for time spent with them, first because of Bo's school and second because Amy still lives in AU, we don't get to hang out all that much.

Item #3: Alabama had an identity crisis, but I didn't complain because I had an excuse to wear my snow boots I bought for NYC!

Item #4: Mom had a Birthday!!!!  I LOVE my Mom so much and constantly stand in awe of all of things she is able to accomplish.  I know it is expected that Mom's are much wiser than their children but sometimes it truly amazes me at how much more she knows about life than I do. Thanks for letting us celebrate with you, Mom!  We love you so much! Happy Birthday!

Item #4.b: We celebrated Mom's birthday with a trip to see George and Reba in Atlanta!  And if you do not know who I am talking about simply by the mention of their first names, then you need to do a little soul searching.  Every girl needs to know who "Fancy" was and why that was her name.  Every girl must also know what a man should look like in a pair of Wranglers :-)

Item #5:  Bo and I ventured out and went to the much anticipated Barrister's Ball, more commonly referred to as "Law Prom."  I was so in awe of enjoying my favorite past time, people watching, that Bo stopped mid-dance and asked me if I realized I wasn't even moving my feet.  It's just such a fun culmination of people.  Grad school of any type is that way, but I really enjoyed getting to meet several of the people who see Bo a lot more than I do.  Thanks for asking me to be your date!

Item #6: Have I mentioned that I am head over heels in love with my job? And not just my job, but the people I work with too?  We have such a good time doing what we love to do and I think that is such a rare thing these days.  I consider myself so blessed to have the opportunity to work where I do and I thank my lucky stars there was an opening when I graduated.  I'm also thankful that during a normal day at work, I get to meet the awesome lady in the middle and that I get to work with the ray of sunshine standing on the right:

Hey, hey Paula!

Item #7: My Mom and I had the pleasure of keeping this little wild woman on Saturday.  She is hilarious and continually amazes me every time I spend time with her.  The fact that she uses perfect English when she's only 4 years old just baffles me, or the fact that she can count to 10 in Spanish when I even struggle with that amazes me. I don't know what I will do if she does have to move to Bowling Green :-( (you two Ash and Aunt Pam). I Love Ya'll!

Isn't she gorgeous?


  1. there are like 45 different things i could comment on in this post. seriously. 1- happy birthday miss kay!!! 2- yeah AL was seriously confused there for a while... can't say i was jealous!!! 3- you look beauuutiful in that picture with Bo (from the ball?)- seriously, beautiful. 4- PAULA DEEN?!? i am not the LEAST bit surprised!

  2. YOU look beautiful in allllll of your Hawaii pics. I was inspired to start writing again because I was reading your blog and it is SO wonderful. I miss you so much and can't wait to see NEXT MONTH!
