
Random [adj.; ran-duhm]: the only title I could think of for this post

As promised, I will continue the Funday Monday tradition [even though my extremely shy little friend, the sun, has made an appearance today for longer than 2.5 seconds].  I posted an entry in December about Trey & Sarah Novara's wedding day.  She has posted several lovely photos on Facebook that are just enchanting.  However, this lovely little pic featured below is enchanting in a different sort of way. 

I love how I look surprised/scared/upset/Imgoingtopushyoudown/whyareyouinmyspace/happy(?)/excited to see Thomas appear on my left shoulder. Many people in the picture seem to think this is hilarious, some seem oblivious and one particular groomsman in the background (ahem...Pearson) looks utterly appalled at what is happening. Just as a side note, I forget how short I really am until I see myself in comparison to people of normal human height.  To find something more closely resembling my size, please reference an elementary school or a small chimpanzee. 

On another note, is it possible to lust after a camera?  Because I most definitely am. Not in a figurative way, like I want to be on camera or something like that, but in a very literal way in that I want an awesome camera that takes gorgeous pictures for me.  I've always loved the art of photography and although I have absolutely zero talent in this area, I somehow feel I can make up for my lack of skill with heavy duty, look how professional I am, equipment. (I do the same thing with golf :-)  The funny part is, I'm not even lusting after a particular camera.  I'm really lusting after the ability to take good pictures but we will gloss over that for now and say that it is about a camera and not about the photographer. On that note, any suggestions on a excellent good enough affordable digital SLR camera? I need help here people.

Look for a post about Em's bachelorette party coming up soon! And by the way, I found an apartment! Which is good since I live with the bride from the aforementioned bachelorette party.

Happy Funday Monday!

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